++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Army name: World Eater Test Balloon Factions used: Chaos - World Eaters Army Points: 1250 Army Enhancements: Detachment Rules: Berzerker Warband Number of Units: 8 Character Units (Models): 3 (3) Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 1 (4) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHARACTERS Angron (415 pts) • Warlord World Eaters Master of Executions (125 pts) • Berzerker Glaive World Eaters Master of Executions (120 pts) • Favoured of Khorne BATTLELINE Jakhals (70 pts) • B: 1 mauler chainblade, 7 chainblades • Jakhal w/ mauler chainblade 7xJakhals Dishonoured w/ skullsmasher Jakhal Pack Leader Khorne Berserkers (100 pts) • 3xKhorne Berserker Khorne Berserker Champion • Bolt pistol Khorne Berserker w/ alternate weapons • Khornate eviscerator Plasma pistol Khorne Berserkers (100 pts) • 3xKhorne Berserker Khorne Berserker Champion • Bolt pistol Khorne Berserker w/ alternate weapons • Khornate eviscerator Plasma pistol OTHER DATASHEETS Exalted Eightbound (160 pts) • 2xExalted Eightbound Exalted Eightbound Champion • Paired Eightbound chainfists Exalted Eightbound (160 pts) • 2xExalted Eightbound Exalted Eightbound Champion • Paired Eightbound chainfists