++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Army name: Green Tide 1500 Factions used: Xenos - Orks Army Points: 1495 Army Enhancements: Detachment Rules: Green Tide Number of Units: 15 Character Units (Models): 7 (7) Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 1 (3) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHARACTERS Boss Snikrot (85 pts) • Warlord Painboy (70 pts) Warboss (80 pts) • Attack squig Big choppa Bloodthirsty Belligerence Warboss (65 pts) • Attack squig Power klaw Warboss (65 pts) • Attack squig Power klaw Warboss in Mega Armour (100 pts) • Raucous Warcaller Weirdboy (55 pts) BATTLELINE Boyz (170 pts) • Boss Nob • Power klaw and slugga 19xBoy w/ Slugga and choppa Boyz (170 pts) • Boss Nob • Power klaw and slugga 19xBoy w/ Slugga and choppa Boyz (170 pts) • Boss Nob • Power klaw and slugga 19xBoy w/ Slugga and choppa Boyz (170 pts) • Boss Nob • Power klaw and slugga 19xBoy w/ Slugga and choppa OTHER DATASHEETS Gretchin (40 pts) • 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin • 10xGretchin Runtherd Gretchin (40 pts) • 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin • 10xGretchin Runtherd Meganobz (150 pts) • 5xMeganob w/ Twin killsaw Trukk (65 pts)